Math That Makes Sense, Lecture 7: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Teaching a Great Math Lesson

This video is part of my free video course for parents, Math That Makes Sense: Elementary Arithmetic. You can find the full list of videos (with outlines and links) here

Welcome to Lecture 7! You’ll learn all about how to teach multi-digit multiplication, as well as a simple framework for consistently teaching great lessons.

If you’re looking for information on a specific topic, I’ve listed the time stamps for each part of the lecture so you can go right to it.

Happy Math!


Lecture 7: Multi-Digit Multiplication and Teaching a Great Math Lesson
  • Multi-Digit Multiplication [1:04]
    • What are the advantages and disadvantages of the two models for teaching the multiplication algorithm? [11:27]
    • How do you teach the multiplication algorithm incrementally? [20:29]
  • 7 Steps to Teaching a Great Math Lesson [54:39]