A Parent’s Guide to the Most Useful Subtraction Fact Strategies

Different groups of subtraction facts lend themselves to different thinking strategies. Learn more these strategies (and how you can use them with your own child) in this twenty-minute video.

For hands-on lessons, fun games, and simple worksheets, check out Subtraction Facts That Stick!

9 thoughts on “A Parent’s Guide to the Most Useful Subtraction Fact Strategies”

  1. Hi Kate! I have an older child (11) with dyscalculia who struggles with subtraction and multiplication facts. I feel like if I start showing him 10 frames or for arrays he will think it’s “babyish” and shut down. Any advice on how to help him with these facts but not hurt his self esteem by making it seem what he thinks is “babyish?”

  2. Hi Shana,

    For older kids, I find the best approach is to bring them into the process. Have them take the assessment, work together to identify what they know and what they need to work on, and then track their progress together as you work through the facts. A matter-of-fact, goal-oriented approach makes the math facts one specific goal to accomplish rather than just more math to slog through.

    Regarding the ten-frame and arrays, I’ve honestly never run into that problem, even with older kids. We purposefully kept the design of the Math Facts That Stick books very simple and “business-like” so that they could be used with a range of ages. But if your son is still balking, have him watch the part of my Homebound conference talk where I demonstrate the value of the ten-frame. (It starts at 30:54.) Once he experiences the power of subitizing for himself, perhaps he’ll be more convinced!

    Best wishes, and happy math!

  3. hello Kate!
    thanks for making these videos. wish the colored subtraction facts table was in the “subtraction facts that stick” book. I’ll feel really “duh” if it is, but I have not seen it in the book. We’re on week 2 and I’m congratulating myself constantly on having bought these 4 “facts that stick” books of yours. 😃😊😆
    they’re 10 times better then I thought they would be when I bought them.
    I have to remind my boy to use the strategies while playing the games, and after I remind him about 30 times he starts using them without reminding and he’s very happy with the wholehearted approval he then gets from his PhD engineering father. (and so am I, ha)

    • So glad that the books are helping your son! It takes a lot of reminding with the strategies at first, but it sounds like you’re seeing your patience pay off. That’s a good thought about including the chart in the book for an overview of how all the weeks fit together. I’ll keep it in mind if I ever do a second edition! 🙂

      Happy Math!

  4. Hi. I’m considering purchasing “Subtraction Facts that Stick” for my 7-year-old. He likes math and is currently working on Beast Academy 2b (which is all subtraction). He can do double and triple digit subtraction but frequently gets tripped up by breaking/borrowing and I’ve noticed that subtraction in general is a more laborious for him. He scored poorly on your subtraction facts assessment (got all but one question correct but took his time doing so and often resorted to counting). Would you recommend halting BA for the 8 weeks or so it will take us to work through “Subtraction Facts that Stick” or can he continue with his usual curriculum and review the subtraction facts simultaneously?

    • Hi Lindsay,

      I’d recommend starting each math lesson with 5-1o minutes of subtraction fact practice and then spending the rest of your time on BA. Math fact practice is most effective when it’s a little every day, so no need to only do subtraction for 8 weeks. (If he’s finding 2B frustrating because of his lack of fluency with the subtraction facts, you might even move on to 2C and do the length unit before circling back to 2B.)

      Happy Math!


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